1 week until departure!

It’s been a whirlpool of final papers and exam cramming, but our fantastic Globalist Chile team is dancing around with happy (and caffeinated) smiles because in just one short week, we’ll be departing for Santiago!

All of our plane tickets and hostels are booked, and our bags are just waiting to be packed. We’ve been emailing back and forth with our contacts at universities, copper mines and government groups and we’re so excited to start researching the various stories that we’ll be following on our reporting trip.

All 18 members of our team will be focusing on a range of issues, including women’s reproductive rights, water shortages and environmental sustainability in the Atacama Desert, the Chilean student protests, the tale of a controversial ship from the Pinochet era, the booming wine market and Jewish/Palestinian tensions in the country. Follow our blog to get snippets of our research, photos from our daily explorations and wacky happenings that always accompany any good Globalist reporting trip.

We’ll update almost every day once we arrive in Chile, so be sure to keep checking back to see where we are and what we’re doing!

Wanna find out more about what we’re up to? You can read a full description of the reporting trip in the tab above titled “About Our Trip” and check out our past reporting trip blogs while you’re at it–we went to Indonesia in 2010 and Turkey in 2011.

Pre-departure abrazos from Globalist Chile!

PS. Follow us! Comment, we’ll respond! Follow our Twitter too @yaleglobalist (we’ll try to update)!

One response to “1 week until departure!

  1. Buenissimo!

    Can’t wait to see and host your delegation here. Buen viaje!

    Abrazos y saludos a todos,

    Shoni y Carlos

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